Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bluebonnets and Bunnys

Living in Texas I always have been memorized at how this beautiful State Flower of Texas is -" The Blue Bonnet-"

Is so dormant that it covers fields along with little paths just popping up all over you go. Blooming for a about a month... sometimes longer and then ---- they are gone.
SO during this time I usually get the specials out  for some pretty cute pics and head to Old Settles Park, In Round Rock and some other areas.  This year we did just that. The first day we went I called my sister -in -law up and asked if she was busy.  She Said "Yes, I'm at work..." But she agreed and  so we went to the park.

The first day we went... Miss Daisy ' She is usually my baby spokes model, LOL But not having seen mama all day she was feeling her mama's love more.


& and my baby girl K,
Another spokes model for  my toddlers
were on a Rampage~ with a CAPITAL "R" 
♥ I mean this in a good way... You will see ...

The 2 Above are once they got what they wanted.
Here is the behind the scene of this
family/ fun shoot turned!


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