12:45 on the plane with my best friend- MOM.
7:45 as we are landing... a beautiful sunset-(picture to the left) Pink and blue hues just shining off the water as we learn that is where we land. (interesting)
Our travels from downtown to uptown were pretty cool since the cab driver took us along side the skyline and since evening had approached the City lights were shining like the north star. BRIGHT!!!! (BTW- the picture to the right is not mine, just thought it was beautiful.)
May 5th, 2012 while at the New York City- 911 Memorial.
Remembering back in 1993 going to the World Trade Center about 2 months or so after the bombing and it was pretty crazy to see the mess especially since I was 18 and never seen anything like that.
" Plus one more HUGE "THANK YOU" to my MOTHER for the support she has given me in the Past, Present plus creating memories I'll never forget.
1. The act or an instance of motivating, or providing with a reason to act in a certain way
2. The state or condition of being motivated
( Wrote this May 8th- 12 days ago....)
I start this blog with this word since I feel that this is the 1 word that defines my spirits.
Since my last blog I have gone threw so much thinking and sorting of responsibilities. Which we all do as adults. Life kinda takes over and wa~la... are plate is over flowing with so much we forget why or what actually motivates us.
May 4th: 10:00
I head out the door with many things running threw my head. The biggest is how are the girls going to be for the next 4 days.
See, I'm headed to New York City with My Mother.
See, I'm headed to New York City with My Mother.
12:45 on the plane with my best friend- MOM.
In this time frame I had reminisced on how NY was 20 years ago. Hesitant that My Mother would hate it & no clue of what I was fixing to experience I prayed it would be different.
The first time I came, I felt people were cold and yeah, it was kinda dirty and ugly. But hey, I was fresh out of high school- hadn't really traveled but for sure had never been to a city Quite like NewYork.
The first time I came, I felt people were cold and yeah, it was kinda dirty and ugly. But hey, I was fresh out of high school- hadn't really traveled but for sure had never been to a city Quite like NewYork.

I'm not gonna go into detail about my whole trip, if I did you would be here all day :) So I'm gonna skip on ...
Our 1st day was a ton of walking and subway rides....
Which in the Moment allows you no time to think of
Past or Future.
Just the Present moment.
Which leads me to Today's Blog....MOTIVATION
See a Wonderful friend once told me that the reason that he moved to NY was that living there made him feel like he had found out who he was. He found himself and has continued to grow and create this wonderful person he had blossomed into. I felt the same way about Austin. I admitted that Austin and Boulder (where I lived previously) created my true inner self. Which again leads me to Motivation.
May 5th, 2012 while at the New York City- 911 Memorial.

This time around.... seeing the devastation of the Twin Towers was even more astonishing and the re building is amazing.
That day we went to the 911 memorial I heard many people talking and reminiscing about their feelings, one lady told her daughter she had to leave she just couldn't deal with the feeling again.
My personal friend Nando said the same thing. Sad ;(
My personal friend Nando said the same thing. Sad ;(
Here are some shots I took of some memories.
But my Blog is not about the devastation or loss. It is about how motivated people in NY were to rebuild and unite. As a Texan I never thought I'd say that this City brought back a since of motivation to me to RE-Define who I am and help push along my Motivation on who I have become and where I I need to go to continue on the path of what I have had planned on who I want to become.
So with much motivation, ambition, and clarity....
I say " Thank you New York" for helping me re find a motivation I had lost.
" Thank you to my old school mate "Nando" and German for enlighten me "The Now".
Plus a little dancing ;)
With one more "Thank you" to go I'll leave this blog by saying
My trip created a motivation to live in the present....
since the past is gone and the future is yet to come.
To all you I challenge: Find a motivation to live in the NOW cause if a whole city that was known for it's coldness and ugliness
can come out and shine we all can....
Now to my last Thank you.....
To, My Dad ~
for always giving me the best as a father.
I'm Blessed.
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