Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Were having a Contest!!!

To kick off this 4 Week Contest Series
 we are going to start with a give-a- way!!!

 After a long awaited week of hype I finally can say

 " Who wants a Free $50.00???"

Here is what you have to do to win the 50$!

You will have three chances to win.

Please complete the three tasks below and leave one comment on this blog post or on our FB page for each task completed.

1. Become a Fan on our Facebook Page!
Click the Link below and "Like" our page:

(if you already are a fan... awesome! Skip this one)

2. Become friends with and "Like":

3. Copy and Paste this  to your Facebook status:

”Go check out @sweetgphoto Free $50.00 FAN GIVEAWAY at
and Enter to win a Free $50.00 ”

Be sure to type the @symbol before sweetgphoto
so that it tags our page.
Only paste one time please.

You will have 24 hours to get your votes in... 
I will announce the winner Thurs. 21th.

You can also check the "notes" on my FB page for all details....

Best of luck to everyone!


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