Monday, February 14, 2011

Love: Defined threw my eyes.

Valentine's Day.

As I rolled out of bed today I went into "auto pilot" and tip toes across the room making sure not to wake my 18 month old (KH) and strait to my 9 year old (KS) room to wake her up.  Today is Valentines Day-
Last night we stayed up and I listened to her talk about  her "special" friends" which got some extra cards adn candy to show them how much she cared.Then so neatly she wrote out 20 more cards for her class mates. You could see the excitement in her eyes.

As I turn the light on she was quick to say how excited she was and jumped out of bed. I on the other hand stumble down stairs to find my husband of 5 years, together for 9 and known each other for 16, walking out the door. Quickly he said " see ya later" I answered " see you later" then he was out. Of course what was on my mind was coffee since the sun wasn't even up... and as I walk into the kitchen I see 3 envelopes sitting there. All wrote out to each of us 3 girls.
My thought :  " he remembered"
It brought a smile to my face.
Believe me, not for the sake of what the card said... but just because he remembered.

Baby KH - " shout out"

As I drive up to drop KS off at school  she sits across from me with a big smile on her face. So proud. So excited. Making sure her red tulips that she bought for her teacher don't tip over. She gets out and walks off with a little skip on her walk... and she's out. 

I can't remember when the last time I actually look forward to this day... maybe when I was a kid. To me it just always seems like the "LOVE" that is poured out today should be shown ALL Year around. Really? It needs to be summed up in 1 day???  For most of us to have such love, it is just not possible. So the meaning behind today, to me is kind of misleading. It's impossible to get it right every time... and then to put the pressure  all into 1 day! Whew... 

Either way it's valentines day and everyone is on a high....saying "I love you" and "Happy Valentines day" and well what ever else they say... But not me. 

Facebook Post: "So if I don't feel all "Valentine's Dayish" can I save it for a day I do?"

That is how I feel today.
Please don't get me wrong I do have LOVE int my heart! For many people!!!!  I just don't think cramming it into one day is the ideal thing.
My Husband wrote this....
Which for "My" husband.... is perfect wording. " no offence Hon, but we know it is the truth
 For you all that don't know who my husband is or what he looks like- This sums up my husband  to the tee... X Military, Gun in hand and ALL Man.
So then... the $$$$ spent! AH.... Yep I'm going there!!!!

I can say as far back as I can remember Dad and Mom have always sent flowers and today was no different. 


I can only imagine how much money has been spent on flowers... IF that  was only  put into an investment I would have some cash built up! BUT I get it!!  It is the thought that counts. I get it. 

Again... don't get me wrong... I know I sound like I'm complaining. I'm not. I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed and felt like "MY" definition of "love is so much more than Candy... Flowers... cards.... or even a shout out!

It is Feeling.
Every moment...Every second... A Feeling Everyday...

 ♥ Life = Love ♥

Before I leave this post I will say:

" Thank you Robert for being my Husband and Loving me the way you do."
My Girls: " Mommy loves you with all my heart!♥"
Mom and Day- For the many years of sending flowers and gifts... " Thank You & I love You" 

And for everyone else... 

" Happy Valentines Day... defined by me" 

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