Monday, May 2, 2011

2nd week Contest!!!

We are on our second week of our contest series and I know you want something good.
So since it is the week before Mother's day I want to do something for the Mom's!!!

So here we go.

We will be giving away a Free 50.00 to
MAC Cosmetics!!!!

I would love to win this myself!!! I ♥ MAC!

So wanna win?
Here is what you gotta do!


1. Become a Fan on our Facebook Page! Click the Link below and "Like" our page:

2. . Leave a comment on the fan page with your
Mom's Name, Your name {if your a mom}
Or a Mom you love!
(1 name per comment please)

3.Copy and Paste this your Facebook status:
Go check out @sweetgphoto FREE CONTEST

All 3 have to be done to be eligible to win.
Have  fun playing.

*Gift will be in gift card form.*

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