Monday, October 18, 2010

Sandwiches, Goal, and a Skipped class

Ok. I honestly have to say that this assignment is A Lot harder than I thought. I have managed to do what the main part of the assignment is, taking pictures, But the rest of this editing and posting... well lets just say " I'm borderline from making a failing grade." So today I will attempt to make a miracle happen and post my last three days in one entry, I won't talk too much, and get this out of the way. Since I have two other editing jobs that got to get done! " Yikes" I better get busy.

Day 4 - 3rd grade assembly line. " Sandwiches"

Volunteering to watch today was nice. It took me back to 3rd grade. All I could remember is
"We never did that." All I remember is getting hit with a ruler on the hand if I talked! "Oh times have changed."
Does this mean I am getting old?
"Stop"...... "don't answer that..."

Day 5- Orioles Soccer game-

Here is a great shot of Annie.... I just had to choose this one. What great excitement! I almost cried.

" yeah, yeah, I'm a softie."

Day 6- Sunday afternoon

It shows----------------------


Boo Hoo... I skipped class. :-(

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