Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Balderas Wedding

Not too long ago I was introduced to this beautiful couple and was amazed by the love they showed for each other. Maybe it is that sweet, young love we all shared once or maybe the love fairy just follows them around shooting ↣♥♥’s threw them all day! Whatever it is, it shines threw them like a beam of light on a bright and sunny day.☀

For months now I have been following these two love birds around and couldn't help be wonder what the "Big Day” had in store. To my surprise the day couldn't have been more perfect. From a sweet little church to a loving family. A literal “carry me over the ... well out the church" and a Surprise car waiting at the end of the driveway... This couple was making a memory and I was there to capture it all.

Alicia and Nate, I adore you both and I think you're perfect for each other! I had a blast every time we met up to capture your special time. Thank you for being so amazing! "THANK YOU"  for choosing me to capture this special day ❣


Awe... Now since I have not posted the love bugs pics... there will be a part two!!!


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